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Zygomatic Dental Implants

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Smile Boutique Beverly Hills?

An Extraordinary Team of
Highly Trained Dentists

Dr. Stan, Dentist to the Stars

Distinguished in the Fields of:

  • Implant Placement & Restorations
  • 10000 implants placed
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
   * World Renowned Leader & Innovator
  • Endodontics
  • Periodontics
  • Sedation Dentistry

FELLOWSHIP Recipients from Prestigious Academic Organization

Easy, Affordable, and Great!


More From Our Patients

Before & After

At Smile Boutique, We are 1 of Only a Handful of Dentists in the USA Currently Licensed to Place Zygomatic Dental Implants.

Zygomatic Dental Implants

Zygomatic implants are for people who have lost bone density. Whereas traditional implants involve drilling directly into the jawbone, Zygomatic implants are much longer than traditional implants and are anchored in the upper jawbone, which is close to the dense zygoma bone. This difference in location means that Zygomatic implants can provide a secure foundation for your dental implants while with traditional dental implants it may not be possible. The advancements with Zygomatic implants results in a successful outcome despite bone loss.

Zygomatic Dental Implants for

Failed Dental Implants

There is no question that Dental Implants are the best solution for missing teeth but can they fail? The answer to that is yes. In a small percentage of people they might fail for any number of reasons. One reason that stands out is bone loss. When the jawbone shrinks, or has sustained significant damage, the implant(s) cannot be supported on this unstable foundation.

Dr. Stan Discusses Sabrina's Implant Case

Signs of

Dental Implant Failure

Although there can be different reasons for dental implant failure, the symptoms are generally the same. The main symptoms and signs of late and early dental implant failure are:

  • severe pain or discomfort
  • a loose or shifting implant
  • swelling or inflammation of the gums
  • gum recession around dental implant
  • difficulty chewing and biting

Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our office if you are considering dental implants.

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